Remediation consists of two logics, immediacy and hypermediacy (bolter, Grusin 21). Jay bolter and richard Grusin try to explain this sense of transparent immediacy that is composed of graphic interface, and advanced programming (Bolter, Grusin 23). This technology of our new era tries to create reality, and replicate it through our technology of graphic design, by making it seem as real as possible. This form of immediacy is considered a perspective, just as Albrecht Durer noted, and as Panofsky reminded us in "Perspective as Symbolic Form, Perspective means a 'seeing through, and, like the interface designers of today, students of linear perspective promised immediacy through transparency" (Bolter, Grusin 24). Even in Western tradition they used oil paint, and the artists used this erasive method to hide his artwork under his artwork (Bolter, Grusin 25). Hypermediacy is qutie the opposite. "Like the desire for transparent immediacy, the fascination with media also has a history as a representational practice and a cultural logic. In digital media today, the practice of hypermediacy is most evident in the heterogenous 'windowed style' of World Wide Web pages, the desktop interface, multimedia programs, and video games" (Bolter, Grusin 31). In other words, what you see is what it means. The interface, the format, the pictures on the computer, is a form of hypermediacy because it does nto hide anything in order to create something (transparent immediacy). Just as the two authors state that "Unlike a perspective painting or three-dimensional computer graphic, this windowed interface does nto attempt to unify the sapace around any one point of view. Instead, each text window defines its own verbal, each graphic window its own visual, point of view" (33). In Conlusion "Hypermediacy expresses the tension between regarding a visual space as mediated and as a "real" space that lies beyond meditation" (Bolter, Grusin 24). The audiences taht are greatly influenced by this chapter in my perspective are cmoputer design artists, online marketers, ore even technological engineers. Immediacy can be described as if you were watching a movie in the theater. If one has emotinal experiences with the movie, our emotions from the experience generated through immediacy are very real. Hypermediacy is seen as if it asks itself "you are experiencing this", or even "look at my awsome construction". One is invisible trying to portray creativity and realism, as the other is inevitably conveying the truth.
But how can we connect this with the ideologies of world Freedom? This is a simple task of thinking creatively. The ideologies of world freedom are have a deep philosophical immediacy. Freedom is the essential goal most humans fight for. Its ideologies create an immediacy like non other. If you were to think about world freedom, you would have a small picture in your mind of what it would feel like. But deep inside the picture lies meaning, emotion, and life, that is hidden, but true.
Work Cited: Remediation by Jay David Bolter, & Richard Grusin (Understanding new media)
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